
Innoveas is an advocate of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) and will make results and outputs of our research publicly available.


Energy Efficiency Solutions for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

by Joanna Southernwood, Grigoris K. Papagiannis, Erudino Llano Güemes and Luisa Sileni

Green Revolution - Medium-sized companies show the way

Lessons from two spanish companies in the chemical industry

Assessment and Communication of Relevant EU-funded Projects Supporting the Market Uptake of Energy Efficiency Measures in Industry and Services

The study describes the findings from the quantitative evaluation of the impacts and achievements of the 41 energy efficiency projects – including innoveas, combined with the learnings from the survey, and the stakeholder interview phase of the work.

Feeding the world, preserving the planet

Do you know the environmental impact of the sandwich you had for lunch? Food production requires about 30 percent of the world’s total energy consumption and is still highly reliant on fossil fuels. In addition, industrial energy use is responsible for over 70% of global CO2emissions. That sandwich has a high energy tag. To make eating that sandwich more environmentally friendly and secure a more sustainable future an EU-funded project called INNOVEAS proposes using energy audits to improve the energy efficiency of the industrial processes involved in producing your lunch.

Building a greener future one SME at a time

The pyramids in Egypt, the Empire State building in New York, and the Tower of Pisa in Italy are all examples of human creations which left an imprint on history. However, today the construction sector is leaving more than buildings behind it. This sector demands the use of nearly 55% of global electricity, contributing to nearly 40% of total global energy-related CO2 emissions. Given its environmental impact, interventions aiming to reduce or optimise the energy use of this industry would help us leave a better mark on the planet.

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