World Sustainable Energy Days

21-25 June 2021: This year the World Sustainable Energy Days happen to be a hybrid event. More than 600 experts from countries from all over the world will exchange about boosting the economic recovery with the #EnergyTransition.

Innoveas consortium met for 2 days the 8/9 June 2021

8/9 June 2021: The innoveas consortium met for 2 days. 25 months lie behind us, 11 months to go. All partners shared the current status of their tasks. We’ll put all our energy in the training activities of more than 500 SMEs and in the creation of an European Alliance for Energy Efficiency.

All partners shared the current status of WPs and renew their commitments for achieving the project goals together!

Beyond the crisis: Clean energy for green recovery and growth

The EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) will take place 22-26 June 2020 under the theme: ‘Beyond the crisis: clean energy for green recovery and growth’. 

This year, EUSEW is going completely digital! Highlights include: a 3-day digital policy conference, the EUSEW Awards, the first European Youth Energy Day as well as 1:1 video meetings, virtual stands and other networking activities. Throughout June, participants will also have access to online side events and Energy Days, digital events taking place all over Europe.