The Project

INNOVating the uptake of Energy Auditing Schemes for SMEs

The project intends to address the issues regarding the low uptake of energy auditing practices by european Small and Medium sized Enterprizes (SMEs).

Euopean SMEs (definition) are exempt of the obligation to carry out energy audits, nevertheless energy transition is a joint task. Innoveas enhances the willingness to invest in energy efficiency improvements in industrial processes.

->Delivery of a fully-structured training and capacity building programme aiming at improving the use of energy audit as tools to identify the best energy saving measures to be adopted in SMEs.

-The large audience will be reached through webinars

-SMEs will be reached trough tailored in-company-trainings according to their needs and specificities

Project Organisation

The Innoveas governance structure is composed of the project coordinator, the management committee, the Work Package Leaders Group, the innovation manager and the WP leader.

In practical terms, a series of work packages have been devised to make innoveas a reality. These are organised around the three key areas of action: analysis of behavioural barriors, building capacities and creating trainings, creation of a pan-European network.

WP leader : IIPLE

WP manager : Luisa Sileni, Riccardo Cariani


WP 1 has the following main objectives:

  • To provide an efficient project administration and maintain a continuous communication between the consortium and the Commission

  • To ensure a smooth project running regarding the financial and legal management

  • To achieve timely submission of progress and financial reports to the Commission

  • To ensure that the Description of Work and the Consortium Agreement is maintained and updated where necessary.

WP leader : K&I

WP manager : Gabriele Quinti


WP 2​ aims to carry out an analysis of the current state of the art of energy culture in SMEs in the participating countries. WP2 will specifically analyse:

  • The current attitude towards energy efficiency and the perception of energy audits as an instrument to abate costs
  • The existing regulatory and financial conditions that influence the use of energy audits and the uptake of energy saving measures

  • The existing regulatory and financial conditions that influence the use of energy audits and the uptake of energy saving measures

WP leader : IIPLE

WP manager : Sergio Bottiglioni


WP 3 deals with the first formulation of the capacity building packages to be proposed to users. The capacity building programme will be declined into two different actions:

  • The development of a training programme targeting SMEs and carried out by industrial associations and intermediaries

  • The development of a capacity building programme targeting other key stakeholders: policy-makers, financial institutions and auditors

WP leader : UTBW

WP manager : Jürgen Meyer


WP 4 will implement training modules through a hybrid methodology consisting of class work and remote lectures with the pre-defined beneficiaries. Special attention will be paid to elaborating the metrics of students’ feedback so as to allow adjustments for the future editions. Elaboration of feedback will be segmented also by typology of participant, considering the views of:

  • Production and manufacturing companies

  • Employees of companies

  • Industrial associations

  • Energy auditors

  • Other stakeholders

WP leader : ESCI

WP manager : Sabine Alexandre-Klein


WP 5 aims to attract beneficiaries of the training out of the participants’ circle, it also intends to provide input in terms of needs, conditions and barriers for the evolution of demand in the future. To do so, the outreach and engagement activities will target: local industrial associations, national or European sectorial associations and ESCOs.

Activities foreseen by WP 5 include:

  • Managing an extendable and growing list of stakeholders
  • Elaborating key messages to reach out to the stakeholders and obtain their engagement

  • Interactive sessions with the stakeholders in the forms of workshops and focus groups

WP leader : CKA

WP manager : Patrick Crehan


WP 6 will create clear operational and financial scenarios for the full commercial deployment of the project training package after the end of the project.

This will include:

  • Clear arrangements on the ownership of the training scheme (contents, format, delivery methods, trainers, etc.)

  • An exploitation strategy suggesting which form this will take and whether a new independent entity should be created, such as for instance a European Alliance for Industrial Training on Energy Efficiency

  • A business plan, elaborated on the basis of that strategy and defining commitments from partners, the resources, and the expected income

European Financing

Innoveas is an active supporter of energy efficiency and contributor to energy transistion. The consortium has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 847095 as part of the call „LC-SC3-EE-8-2018-2019 – Capacity building programmes to support implementation of energy audits“.

It is financed by this framework from 1 June 2019 – 31 May 2022 (3 years) and coordinated by IIPLE. EU Grant: € 1.999.875 of total budget of € 1.999.875.

A complete outline of project conditions is hosted on the Cordis Website



Energy audits for SMEs